I am wondering because I did a study and it had no speeding tickets on Weekends/Holidays. Is this because they only give reckless driving tickets out on those days and not speeding ticket? Thanks!
Do the police give out less tickets on Holidays/Weekends?performing arts
Weekends and holidays are the best time to give tickets to out of towners, who are the most likely not to show up to contest the ticket.
Do the police give out less tickets on Holidays/Weekends?binoculars opera theater
Mucho! More!
if anything Id say they give out more
I find in Ontario on long weekends they give out more tickets because of doing traffic blitzes where they know are going to be a lot of drivers heading to and from the cottage. you might be able to look it up on the Ontaio Provincial Police website. hope this helps
yes, they do... My dad got pulled over on Christmas for going 8 over the speed limit in 2005, and I have been pulled over for no dang reason on a Sunday. HA, he asked what was in my Altoids tin on the dash and I said ALTOIDS, and showed him... he seemed disappointed.
i think they give more, i read a report in a paper here in chicago, illinois and it was about how many cops they were putting in the streets because thats when most drunk driving accidents happen. but when there is more police on the street it obviously means more speeding tickets
No, they give out more. At least around the holidays. The police are everywhere looking for drunk drivers on July 4th and New Years. They are also out on Thanksgiving and the days just before it when people travel.
A Whole lot more!!!!! That's when all the roadblocks are usually, also.
I confess to never reading any studies on the matter but I'll offer a few additional things to consider regarding your question.
Traffic tickets are more likely to peak during the week days, morning and afternoon commute hours. This is when special traffic enforcement teams make frequent visits to high accident rate interesections and other streets that have a high level of complaints, etc. Day time week days is also when school is in session so there's more intense enforcement in those areas too.
Week days offer more opportunity to write tickets than weekends. It's like hunting for quail. During the week and during commute hours you can't hardly take a step without a flock of them rushing past you and taking flight.
In the departments I have worked for, traffic officers did just as many, it was just another work day for them.
no actually they try and give you more.
Yes they do, reckless driving calls calls for a speeding ticket anyday!
In my stretch of Bumphuck, Ms., the roadblocks, er, safety checks are at the county lines, and the approaches to town. Every holiday, without exception. More tickets, more harassment, more Nazi jackbooted fascism.
I would think they give out less during very bad weather days, not wanting to get out of their vehicles into the rain/snow/hail for something like someone forgot to use their turn indicators.
I can imagine if they are being forced to work holiday that they did not want to work on might make them cranky and more likely to be intolerant of small mistakes.
I dont think that is the case. It is probably more likely that speeders were left alone because they were so busy doing other things that speeders were insignificant to the other things to be done.
Most major holidays are federal statistic generators for police departments: the Fed's base grant money for special assignments such as DUI shifts, speed reduction, and seat belt enforcement on those holiday statistics. So.... with extra money avaliable (from fed grants) those dept's put more officers out on the street to enforce traffic laws which garners more stats, which means more money, which means... you see the circle. So in answer to your question, why yes police dept's give out more tickets on holidays.
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