i'm going to say this right now, i know panic! at the disco is NOT on tour right now so dont think i'm stupid...
but my question is, WHEN PANIC! AT THE DISCO DOES GO ON TOUR, how can i get meet %26amp; greet tickets?
i dont care if you like them or not, i just want the answer please :) thanks!
Concert tickets help...?performing arts center
probably just check thier website and stay late after the concert...and maybe arrive early and walk around...a lot of tiems bands will be ther and be hanging out soo they will come out and talk!!! i wanna meet them too!!!!
im srry u cant go to the young wild things tour...maybe they will come close by u on their next tour...thats sux...
Concert tickets help...?sunshine opera theater
If they have a website keep checking on when tix are available. You can also check the arena or nightclub they are playing at. Check out Ticket Masters also.
you should just go online search panic at the disco tickets c what time theygo onsale then buy them!
I am totally not condoning meeting crappy bands like Panic, but to meet bands I usually stick around after the show near the rear of the club, or where the tour buses are, and they always (from my experience, at least) come out to meet fans and whatnot.
I've met tons of bands doing that.
Thats is good question..... I was wondering the same thing. Well their new CD comes out next summer I'm pretty sure so probabaly not until next year.
I don't know, but you have a good music taste. Just keep checking the website. Are you going to the You and Wild Things Tour??? I am In Long Beach...I'm soooo sooo happy!!
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